Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Argument of Fact

The article is "Going Green Eco-Buyer Beware" in Time magazine. This article was about how almost every business wants to be seen as an environmentally friendly, green company. Now whether they are or not is the point of this article. This article's main claim was that most environmentally friendly products put in the store were not truly environmentally friendly. The author cited many sources and studies done on the "eco-friendly" products that are now flooding stores across America. He also talked about why businesses would want to "go green" regardless of whether they truly are or not. The sales of organic products have increased from 10 billion in 2003 to 20 billion in 2007. That right there is plenty of reason for any company to campaign going green. As the author noted consumers must be aware of whether the "company is more interested in selling the earth than saving it".


craig kocay said...

This is a good point and an interesting argument of fact. I often wonder if companies really do care or are just being green to sell more. I have also wondered just how much good they are actually doing.

Marissa S said...

I have noticed that so many people and companies have been trying to be "green" as well. Even last year TCU was trying to be eco-friendly and yet our take out food was in styrofoam containers and we all drank out of water bottles all of the time. It seems a little hypercritical if you ask me!

Shane T. said...

All I can really say about this is that it's America, and businesses will do what they have to do to make a profit. Plus "by buying this product you are saving the earth" is a pretty good way to get people to buy a product.